Lost Formula to Happiness meets the Hollywood Fringe!
Wed, Feb 15
|P.E.R.L.O.V.E. Online Event
Live in or near LA, into mindfulness and meditation, community, and fun? We are planning to perform a version of the Lost Formula to Happiness for the first time LIVE at the Hollywood Fringe Festival this summer and we want you to be a part of it! Contact holly@perloveformula for more info.

Time & Location
Feb 15, 2023, 5:30 PM – 6:00 PM PST
P.E.R.L.O.V.E. Online Event
About the event
The entire adventure from start to finish promises to be fun, educational in these amazing practices, and a chance to create a real community of like-minded, local women.
Not familiar with the Lost Formula to Happiness? Watch Intro Video Now! or read below.
Wondering what in the heck is the Hollywood Fringe Festival? Find out here!
Then come to this short meeting and find out how you can be a part of it! And we're not just talking at the Festival in June. There will be fun community and interest-building events from February onward.
We'd seriously love to have you!
Hope to see you soon!
Cheers and love, Holly 💜
The Lost Formula to Happiness- Intro Class description:
Unbelievable but true, each of us has somewhere between 6,000 to 70,000 thoughts a day - 80% are negative, and 95% repeat (NSF, 2005). Many of them instantaneously telegraph throughout the body in the form of emotions and feelings. And though a vast majority of negative self-talk is misguided and destructive, we tend to accept it as truth and from this, create our world.
See the problem?
From birth, we're ambushed by these mostly negative and repetitious thoughts, emotions, and feelings – what we will refer to as T.E.F. Think of it like taffy, which is sticky and sweet, only it’s ‘TEF-fy’ - sticky and painful, deceiving and tenacious, easy to get stuck in, and the basis for our mindsets, default patterns, behaviors, and neuroses.
Through this inevitable enmeshment in our T.E.F., we keep stories about ourselves alive over time. We then identify with these stories, attach, and suffer. In fact, many of us have unknowingly taken our T.E.F. and locked ourselves in a prison we've willfully created in order to protect what becomes our ego, our identity, our own sense of importance.
Let’s call this false identity the Happiness Thief. Regardless of how screwed up our stories may be and irrespective of how miserable they make us, this bandit coaches us every day, via our conditioning, to protect our negative tales and the patterns and behaviors we've built around them - at all costs.
Happiness is lost in this unaware and automated training of the mind. As we age, we often don’t have a clue what T.E.F. we’re operating from or that this Happiness Thief is actually in control.
Over the years, I've come to realize a few simple truths. We are NOT our thoughts, emotions, or feelings. We’re not our T.E.F. We are SO much more than that.
Thoughts will arise and trying to push them away will only make them, and their corresponding emotions and feelings, stronger. We must see through them to what they truly are - powerless. If we don’t engage with our T.E.F., it falls apart because the Happiness Thief.
Your true nature is peaceful and wise. All you have to do to reconnect with this inner sanctuary is unmask the Thief and unravel the stories that have kept you stuck. And you don't have to be a monk or nun, meditate for several years in silence, or live in a cave to do it. Who has time for that?
As an aid in such a journey in this busy, modern, distracted world, let me introduce you to a new, straightforward set of mindfulness and meditation practices.
This formula starts with just six minutes a day. We PLEDGE to watch our minds for one minute six times each day, next we EVALUATE any negative T.E.F. that’s been flying under the radar, and, finally, we RECOGNIZE these painful patterns in our daily lives, seeing the Happiness Thief for what it is. These three simple practices - P.E.R. – form the foundation of our mental transformation.
Here, we first LOCATE what remains when the T.E.F. is removed, then we OPEN our hearts, VEST in what we find there, and then EXPAND beyond our conditioned limits. In L.O.V.E, we uncover the most genuine of truths – our true nature.
P.E.R.L.O.V.E. provides practical tools that become objects of meditation. It complements an ‘on the cushion’ practice or can become a primary path in our otherwise overloaded lives.
Finding happiness doesn’t take a lot of your time. It’s not hard or complicated. All it takes is your attention. With awareness and intention, we can release our stories, attachments, and struggles. With repetitive, purposeful practice, we can unravel our daunting egos, find our true nature, peace, freedom, and happiness.
We can do this – TOGETHER
Hello. I'm Holly.
Anxiety, worthlessness, and shame were my struggles of choice. Whatever yours may be, this formula can help. I suffered for years. At age 34, in the middle of the night at this lowest point of my miserable, self-absorbed, and unhappy life, I vowed to ‘do better’. Then spent the next years searching across the country and from coast to coast, making good on that vow.
Based in Buddhism, secular spirituality, modern psychology, and neuroscience, and grounded in the teachings, gurus, and truths I encountered along the way, this effort culminated in the P.E.R.L.O.V.E. Formula.
Now, I invite you to share in this amazing journey with me. You are not Alone. Let’s do this! 💜
Here's what others have to say about the P.E.R.L.O.V.E. and this Intro Class:
"Thank you for sharing the wisdom you have cultivated over all of these years. What a blessing to have found you and your work. I'm looking forward to what's next."
"This was great. Just what I needed to hear!"
"Looking forward to more!"
"Thank you for your generosity and thoughtfulness in sharing your wisdom."
"You have a lovely and very honest way of communicating which I enjoyed."